Gregory Peony


Account aangemaakt op 20-7-2022

Gregory Peony


You may find yourself on this page following my (in)validation of a HOT project task, or my verification of your change-set(s). That's great!

Know that while at times my comments may seem rather blunt, my intention is absolutely not to discourage you from mapping... quite the opposite. All I really want to do is provide clear, concise, valid and accurate feedback to help OSM users improve the quality of their contributions, and subsequently the quality of the map. It is however effortful and time consuming to provide said feedback, and so, from what I've seen, most do not provide it.

Feel free to reach out and send me a message.

Below are some useful links to various resources that have helped me; I hope they are also of benefit to you.

Events and Community Spaces

Missing Maps London: (Online) Mapathons

A page with links to various things: mapswipe, WG calendar etc.

Mapping and Validation Resources


Missing Maps

UN Maps Learning Hub